Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blog #9

Bollywood Confidential
By Suketu Mehta

The author of this article, Suketu Mehta, is inspired his whole life by Bollywood movies. He expresses his many likes and dislikes of how Americans interpret the Bollywood movies but also includes that not only people from India have a strange liking to these movies but they have dubbed many versions of movies in different dozens of different languages for places like Spain and France. I think that from what I have heard and the Bollywood light movie we watched in class, Bride & Prejudice, that they seem to be great movies. I really like that they have singing and dancing that seems very random but also in our musicals and Broadway shows we randomly sing as well so I really can’t judge them just for that. Also I like the suspense specifically in Bride & Prejudice because they cannot kiss so I feel like I should be yelling at the screen “KISS ALREADY!”

Mehta, Suketu . "Bollywood Confidential." New York Times 14 Nov 2004 1 Mar 2009


Gabriela O. said...

The movie Bride and Prejudice was really good.

Anonymous said...

India, basically known for its good culture and tradition. Every year thousands of visitors come to see this spiritual incredible land. But one thing in this from small to old every one is interested in cricket and hindi movies. I mean bollywood movies. Every year more than 4oo movies releases and its the highest amount as comparing other countries. top bollywood movies