Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog #15

Four Cited for Overcoming the Odds
By Merri Rosenberg
Being a teenager seems hard enough we would think. In this article it shows us how teenagers who have come from poverty or have physical and emotional disabilities overcoming tons of odds. A 13 year old girl Jody had a spine disorder that restricts her to her wheel chair but she still goes to school every day and goes to all the dances and hangs out with her friends like any normal girl. Ailena, a senior, has to juggle her school work with her job because her mother struggled with substance abuse while she was at a young age and she had lived in a homeless shelter. Now she lives with a roommate in an apartment paying her rent and for her clothes and her school supplies. I feel that these people definitely overcame odds of their problems.

Rosenberg, Merri. "Four Cited for Overcoming the Odds." New York Times 11 Jun 2000 8 Mar 2009 .

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