Sunday, October 5, 2008

Twilight Article

I read an article in the Cosmo Girl magazine, by Lori Berger, about the upcoming movie Twilight that is based off my favorite series of books also titled Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The article was interviewing the three main guys in the movie Edward Cullen, Emmet Cullen, and Jacob Black who are played by Robert Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, and Taylor Lautner. The questions that were asked pertained to how they were related to their characters and themselves. Kellan said, “Rob is definitely Edward. He is so complicated, poetic… I mean, you cannot help but like this guy!” (62) About how Robert is like Edward. I completely agree with this statement, I have read the books and have read some other articles about Robert and think that their personalities are the same. They are both mysterious and have accents that some girls would swoon over. This article was very interesting and I learned a lot about the boys personalities outside of their characters.

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